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Here Are the Things That Homeschooling Moms Really Want For Christmas!

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I wanted to create a list of all my favorite, can’t live without, must have homeschool things all in one place. After homeschooling for 11 years, it was hard to narrow it down to just 15, but these are my top 15 must haves…and why!

There is something here for everyone and things that are appropriate for all ages of kids.

Click on each picture to learn more about the product!

homeschooling moms

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This is one of my favorite homeschooling books. I have read it again, and again, and again. Timeless wisdom that helps keep everything in perspective.


This is a huge book, but I really consider it to be my homeschooling Bible. Mine is really marked up with my favorite parts, which is a good thing. Schedules, materials, and everything in between, this book really covers everything.


Every homeschooling mom needs a laminator, Chore cards, family mission statements, and Bible verses are just a few of the things that I’ve used mine for. I had no idea how much this thing would get used. One of the best buys I’ve made yet!

Pencils are always needing to be sharpened, and this has been my favorite one EVER.

This is one of the best ways to organize homeschool supplies. It can be used in so many different ways, but it is essential in any homeschooling household.

Every homeschool mom needs coffee. Enough said about that.

I just discovered these, and I’m addicted. In fact, I may need an intervention LOL!

My kids LOVE this set of DVDs and so do I. These are one of the best ways to teach character traits to younger kids.

This is one of our favorite resources for character building, and it is written at a level that even my 5 year old can handle.

I love respectful children, and I love this book. Truly. You must have it!

For those days when you just need a day off from teaching but your kids still need to learn. Even my young kids love watching these, and I do, too. They are places I know I will never see in person, but it is like you are there.

From the creators of Planet Earth, this is all about the frozen regions that few people ever see in real life.

You know you have a great set of DVDs when your kids ask to watch “school DVDs” when they have a turn to pick the family movie!

This has been a great learning tool. Kids learn various math skills without ever realizing they are learning.

Having an easel available can really help break up the monotony of things like math. When we have a particularly rough lesson, it ends up being so much easier to learn when we start working on the easel.

If you know a homeschooling mom, these are the things she really wants. If you are a homeschooling mom, this is the list you want to be sure to nonchalantly show your hubby or family members just in time for Christmas!

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