5 Things I Love This Week

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Sundays are always a time of reflection on the week that has passed for me. I do take the time to pause as much as I can throughout the week on those moments that I just don’t want to forget.

If you haven’t taken the time to reflect back on what you’ve loved in the past few days, take the time to do it right now. You will be so happy you did!

things i love

My UV light. It really is a lifeline for me during the cloudy days of winter. I really love just starting my day this way.

things i love

Crock pot hot chocolate. This is so easy to make, and with a bunch of sick kids right now, it has really hit the spot! I will share the recipe in an upcoming post.

things i love

Our public library. I posted this picture on Instagram and after someone made a comment I was reminded of how truly blessed we are with our library. We are not charged anything for library cards and are given a generous 100 items to check out at a time. Sometimes it takes a reminder from someone else to focus on the simply blessings we enjoy.

things i love

Kids who are best friends. I know it is kind of hard to see, but this is my one year old hugging our 3 year old. My kids fight at times, of course, but for the most part they are best friends. As someone who grew up without any siblings until I was 9 years old, this is so special to me.

things I love

My husband’s Christmas break. He has a full 2 weeks off, and it is so wonderful to have him around more, especially do deal with all the sick kids. Here’s the baby sleeping with daddy after only being awake for an hour. Fevers.

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