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A Guide for Living With Each Other in an Understanding Way

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Living with each other in an understanding way is such an important element, but it often doesn’t come easily.

Then again, the things that are worth having in our lives generally don’t now do they?!

In a family, we all have to live with each other, but how we live with each other really is up to us.

understanding way

I think this simple idea could be an underlying theme to every family. After all, what else could be more vital to the heartbeat of a family? Wouldn’t we all get along better if we:

  • sought out to understand rather than to judge
  • looked to seek information rather than to jump to conclusions
  • paused before we spoke
  • offered forgiveness, even if it wasn’t asked for
  • extended grace whether it was deserved or not
  • gave others the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming the worst
  • spoke less, listened more

It is no coincidence that I offered seven a-ha principles that are so basic, so straightforward, so elementary, yet so difficult at the same. Living in an understanding way means living less in self mode while living more in others mode. Even if all we did was focus on one of these principles a day, even just three times a day, perhaps at morning, noon, and night, wouldn’t there be a lot more understanding in our homes?

My challenge to myself is to take one of these a day and make it my own. To live intentionally by making the choice to control my mouth, my demeanor, and even my thoughts around the ones I live with.

What simple steps could you add to this list?

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