31 Ways to Grow Your Family’s Faith Through Summer Fun – Kite Flying

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Summer. Life moves slower, time is more plentiful, and the days never seem to end. Summer is the perfect time to be intentional in building faith and in building relationships while having some fun, too.

kite flying

Picture a cloudless, endless, blue-sky summer afternoon sky with a bright, bold kite swaying this way and that as the wind takes it. Have you ever flown a kite on this sort of day? I think flying a kite is one of those things from my childhood that I greatly miss. We have a kite, but I am not usually the one to fly it. It is such a freeing feeling for me as I just hold the kite, feeling the tug on the string as the wind tries to carry it. I am controlling it, yet it is also subject to the wind. Some of what happens with the kite is completely out of my control.

Flying a kite is always a fun activity for kids and adults alike, but today I will show you how it can also build your faith as a family.

First get a kite. If you don’t own one, they really are worth the investment if you get a good one, but even if you have to borrow one or just buy a cheaper plastic version, take your kite and your family to an open space on a beautiful blue sky day. We are having this sort of day here in the mitten state. It is one of those days that I wish I could bottle up and save for later. Do you wish for this sometimes, too?

Spend some time flying the kite. Take turns with those who are able. Let everyone feel the tug on the string and the exhilaration that holding a kite can bring.

After everyone has had some good old fashioned fun while kite flying, grab your Bible and read Ecclesiastes 11:5, which says, “As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”

Spend some time talking about how like the wind sends the kite soaring this way and that, so the paths God sends us on can take us this way and that. Sometimes, we cannot even begin to understand why He asks us to walk the path before us, but just as we have no choice but to allow the wind to control certain aspects of how the kite darts this way and that, we must realize that things in life will also require us to surrender certain aspects of our lives. However, we don’t have to worry, it’s all in His hands. Just as we held tightly to the kite, God holds tightly to us. He never lets us go, just as we didn’t let go of the kite.

Close your time together in prayer, thanking Him for beautiful days, summer sun, and watching the beauty of a kite flying in a vibrant blue sky. Thank Him that although we may be asked to walk thorny and overgrown paths, He will always keep a firm grip on us.

Join the Intentional Mom community every day this August for a new way to grow your family’s faith through a memorable activity. 

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