Great Deal on a Laminator!

The Intentional Mom Planning System is where you need to start with our incredible collection of product options. It will help you establish the basics for your life & home so you’ll finally have a plan, save yourself time, and go to bed feeling like you accomplished something every day (because you did). Save up to 60% HERE!

Just in case you missed it earlier, I wanted to be sure that you didn’t miss this. As a homeschool mom, and I guess a mom in general, a laminator is one of my best friends. I am laminating things all the time whether they are things for school chore cards, Bible verses we want to remember or a list of family rules among so many other things.

laminator 6:17

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Right now you can get this laminator at an amazing price, but prices on Amazon are known to change quickly. If you want this one, don’t wait too long. Click on either the graphic or the text below for more information or to purchase

Scotch laminator

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