Some Inspiration For Your Friday

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  1. Dear Jennifer,
    I had to tell you today that the post you wrote over at Money Saving Mom called “Lessons Learned While in a Financial Valley” was a fingerprint of God to me. Just as He provided for you in that time, He is calling me to trust that He will provide the funds for something He has called me to do. I am in a financial valley right now because I do not have those funds and humanly speaking it is impossible for me to do alone, but He is able. He is testing my faith and through your post He let me know that He is going to take care of me too. Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit direct your heart in sharing your testimony with the world. It meant more than you will ever know!
    God bless you richly,

    1. Kaitlyn, thank you so much for sharing your heart, too. The valley is never a fun place to be, but remaining teachable to the Holy Spirit is so vital. Sounds like you’ve got that all figured out! He will take care of you, He always does. Blessings to you as you travel, you will not be in the valley forever, I promise 🙂

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