5 Things I Love This Week

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5 things I love this weekIt’s Sunday again, which means it’s time to look back on the blessings in my week. To do that, I am again focusing on five things that I have loved. How do I decide on these things, you may ask?

This has really been a great exercise for me. I have begun taking the time to really pause more throughout the busyness of my days. It takes a little bit of practice, but once you have done it for maybe a week or so, it really does become a habit. I watch for something that makes me smile or laugh, and I pause there. I drink in the moment, I savor it, I put it in slow motion.

Here are my five “pausing” moments that I have loved this week.

  1. Hot weather. I really don’t mind hot weather, especially if I have a way to cool off at times. This hot spell made me especially happy because we haven’t had even seasonable weather for the most part this summer. It is such a bummer when fall arrives and we haven’t even had summer yet! There have been some storms along with the heat, but it has been manageable.picjumbo.com_HNCK59201
  2. Fresh picked blueberries! There is nothing like fresh blueberries, and it is awesome when grandma can join us for some blueberry picking, too. Fall will be upon us in no time, and we will be out picking apples, but we have filled our freezer with enough blueberries to get us through the winter, which is one of the frugal tips I have shared before.IMG_4181_2
  3.  A completed swim season with kids who worked hard. I have a couple of swimmers here, and they both had a great season. I am thankful for that, but I am also thankful for the breather in the family schedule with the season being over. Although they keep going to the pool at least three times a week to stay in shape during the in-between season, it is easier on the schedule since we have much more control over when they go.IMG_4153_2
  4. Health. Having received the news that yet another friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer, I am again reminded to be thankful for my health and the health of my family. This is something that is so easily taken for granted – at least until we don’t have it anymore. This week I am focusing on being thankful for health.picjumbo.com_HNCK4578
  5. Amazing support from amazing people who know much more about things than I do. Do you ever just step back and marvel at the generosity of others? I did this week, and I am so thankful for the wisdom of so many people in my life and their willingness to share that wisdom with me. Brainstorming with these people is the best!books-552607_1280

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