What To Do During These Crazy Times

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If someone had told me in the beginning of March that life would be barely recognizable in the beginning of April I don’t think I would have believed them. In fact, I don’t think there really is anyone who could predict this strange place that we’re in. And not only that, it’s nearly impossible to predict where we’ll be in a month. With all the uncertainty, you might be left feeling uncertain, anxious, fearful, or maybe even panicked, but the truth is there are things you can do during these crazy times. I think one of the worst feelings in the world is to feel hopeless. And if that’s where you’re at, you’ll want to pay close attention to what I’m about to say. And, it would be super smart to watch the video below, too, since I elaborate on what you’ll be reading here even more.

First things first.

One of the things that makes uncertain times uncomfortable is the lost of control that you’re likely feeling. One of the best things you can do right now is download our daily schedule so you can control at least some things in your day. Just tell us where to send it!

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    I think one really important thing to understand is that while you can’t control the world around you, you can control your reaction and your response to it. You can control your thoughts and many of the things you still do every day. That’s just what we’re talking about here.

    Prefer to watch a video? Click on the video below to listen to my presentation of these same steps .

    Here are 4 things you can do during these crazy times

    what to do during these crazy times


    First, let’s talk about the 2 things we can’t control.

    When this crisis is going to end.

    What the world is going to look like when it’s over.

    Now, let’s not get hung up on those things because they are beyond your control.

    You can only accept them, but remember that you can change how to respond to them.

    1. Understand that this crisis will end

    It might seem like this isn’t the case, but past experience tells us that nothing, even hard things, never last forever. And, this is no different.

    2. Determine that you will come out of this time of crisis standing up

    It may even feel impossible right now. But, when you decide that you WILL survive, it’s the first step to actually surviving and overcoming any challenge.

    3. Understand that you’ve done hard things before

    We often don’t give ourselves enough credit. And, remembering that you’re strong and resilient because you’ve overcome hard times will help you overcome this hard time, too.

    4. Accept that only you can decide to take ownership

    You are the only one who can take ownership of the things above. I can remind you that this will end and of your strength, but only you can decide to let those truths give you strength for today.

    You are the one who can carry you through this time of crisis more than any other. It starts with taking these 4 action steps every day.

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