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A Peek Into My “Thing”

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Remember how I talked about how important it is to be your own person? Today, I had my thing. I had a five hour adventure race. I’ve been doing these for four years now and am totally addicted. It’s kind of like an athletic version of the Amazing Race, and all you get is a topographic map and a couple verbal descriptions to work with.

I am NOT a map reader, my cousin and partner is amazing at it, but I have picked up a few things here and there over the past few years – so no need to be impressed with my map reading skills.

I’m not sure of our exact milage, but I’m guessing about 25-30 miles of biking, much of which was on sand trails, and about 5 miles of orienteering through the woods including up and down some enormous hills.

I’m a little scratched up, bruised, and oh so sore, but it was a great time! If you are looking for something that is as mentally challenging as it is physically challenging, you could give adventure racing a try. IMG_3907


The one in the woods is at the top of a steep hill I was getting ready to go down. If you look toward the top of the picture, you are actually looking down on the TOPS of the trees down below. It was about then that I wondered if I would get out of the woods in one piece.

What did you do with your Saturday?

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