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Being an Intentional Mom

The Intentional Mom Planning System is where you need to start with our incredible collection of product options. It will help you establish the basics for your life & home so you’ll finally have a plan, save yourself time, and go to bed feeling like you accomplished something every day (because you did). Save up to 60% HERE!

Yesterday was just not a good day.  If you were a reader here, you know that the site was having issues for a few hours, which is never a nice thing to have to deal with, and maybe you’ve noticed that today the site is having different issues, but issues all the same.

I generally have “working hours” during which I take care of things related to this blog, but since problems, no matter what they are, never seem to happen during business hours (of course kids always need to go to the doctor after the office has already closed, leaving you with the emergency room as your only option, right?), my entire day got really wonky.  In solving these issues, I put in way more working hours than I should have in order to fulfill my personal goals of living intentionally with my family, but I guess it’s just the way things went.

One of the great things in having my pantry and freezer stocked with some quick meals to use in a pinch, means that as my day gets stressed dealing with the kinds of issues I was dealing with yesterday meant thIMG_3101at I didn’t feel the panic of having to try to make dinner in the midst of all the chaos.  I knew the dinner I had planned was never going to get made (I started with these computer issues already by 11 yesterday morning), yet I knew I was going to still be able to feed the hungry people who would be saying, “We’re hungry!”

A huge part of living intentionally to me, means being prepared for unexpected happenings so these unwelcome interruptions don’t force us to become the stressed-out people we are trying so hard not to be.

That issue did get all worked out eventually, and we still got in our school day.  I also managed to read some books to the littlest people and spend some one-on-one time with two of my kids, just like I have planned in to each day. 

Although my blood pressure was certainly high as I tackled the technical issues along with the other craziness of the day, I was able to keep my cool.  I laid my head on my pillow in the wee hours of the morning knowing that I had still been an intentional mom.  There really is no better feeling in the world!

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