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Burned Out? Here’s How to Keep Going When You’re Empty

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Burnout. I think we all experience this at different points in our lives. You have so many demands on your time that you can be left feeling like slaves to the things you have to do with no time left for the things you actually want to do. These demands are high, sleep is minimal, and you are constantly pouring into others. In a nutshell, you are completely burned out. For busy women and moms, I think we are no stranger to what this burnout feels like. As a mom of 9 from 17 down to 7 months, I sure can feel this burnout way more than I would like.

But, most times, we have to keep going even when we are burned out. There is no such thing as a day off when we need it, at least most times. Most times we just have to dig in our heels and muddle on. We have to keep going in the midst of the burnout and overwhelm.

If you ever experience burnout or overwhelm, you are going to want to join the 5 day challenge that nearly 50,000 people have taken. It’s all about refocusing your life and doing more than just living in the margins. Enter your email below to get started – it’s free!

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While there are all kinds of logistic adjustments you can make that could make things different every day, I want to put some fresh wind in your sails today.

I have three really simple and basic concepts to start applying right now that are going to help you keep going right now, especially when you are burned out.

These are the things that are going to keep you going when you are totally burned out.

burned out help

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Know your why

Why do you get up every day? Why do you live the life you live? Also, why are you working so hard? Why are you filling your days the way you are? What is your overall dream? If money, time, resources, and circumstances didn’t matter, what would life look like for you?

When you answer these questions, you will have a clearly defined “why.” In essence, you will have your life’s purpose outlined.

Why is this important?

Your why becomes the fuel that keeps you going when times get tough. Being focused on your why helps you just get in there and do it when you just don’t feel like it.

clean couch

Your why will keep you from throwing the covers back over your head when your alarm goes off.

When life gets tough and you want to give up, focusing on your why will motivate you to “just keep swimming” as Dory from Finding Nemo would say.

Focus on what really matters

We all have countless choices to make each day when it comes to how we spend our time. But, not all things are equal. Busyness is not the same as business.

You could be busy doing all sorts of things every day, but if you’re not spending your time doing the things you really should be doing, you’re not really accomplishing anything.

Generally, the things we don’t want to do are the things we should be doing. And, they are often the really hard things, too.

But, these are also the things that bring us the biggest return on investment.

When you spend an hour doing the very things that bring you closer to living the life you want to live, it’s usually more effective than spending an entire day on random busy work.

Start your day by doing the one thing that matters most each day. Then, everything else you do or don’t get done becomes less relevant.

morning routine

When you’re burned out you only have so much energy. Focus that energy on doing what matters most, first and foremost.

Most likely you’ll find that doing that one thing energizes you, opening the door for even more productive behavior.

Be a talker

Do you talk to yourself? I hope so.

The truth is, you’re either talking to yourself or you’re listening to yourself.

What’s the difference?

The difference is that when you’re listening to yourself, you are being held captive to whatever thoughts pop into your mind. Generally, these are not only unguided thoughts, they are also usually negative thoughts.

exhausted mom

We tell ourselves all this rotten stuff about ourselves, and then we play that tape over and over again.

But, when you talk to yourself, you determine what tape is being played. When you talk to yourself, you are controlling your thoughts.

When you’re feeling burned out, more negative thoughts and talking will only make you feel more burned out.

But, it really is possible to talk yourself out of all the negative things you’ve been believing to be true about yourself.

These could be things like, “you’re never going to get that right,” “what if everyone really knew this about you?” “why do you even bother?” and so much more.

Talk to yourself rather than becoming consumed in all the stuff you’re telling yourself every day. Doing so will make such a difference in your life.

Feeling burned out?

Focus on these three simple things starting right now and get on the road to having a great day!

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