
Do You Face a Mountain?

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Do you face a mountain? Do you find yourself facing a road that seems impossible today? Whatever it is, it’s not. If you are along for the journey to contentment this month, we just talked about this idea a few days ago. Sometimes when you face obstacles, you just need to get creative. Then, you need to be willing to work and to work hard.

I don’t know about you, but I find the things that I work hardest for are the things I value most. I wrote about one of the hardest times of my life in Lessons Learned While in a Financial Valley on Money Saving Mom, and it is so amazing how that part of my life’s journey brings me some of the fondest memories.


It’s because we faced a mountain, and we came out on the other side, eventually.

May you get creative in conquering your mountains, today.



booker t washington quote

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