Monday’s Walk in the Word 10/19

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walk in the wordThis is a great reminder for our family this week. Maybe it will be for yours, too. It has been the other way around here lately. We have been slow to listen and quick to speak. The idea of listening well is not just something to give some thought to, it is something that will keep us out of so much trouble if only we could just do it all the time.

The second part of the verse is what I really like. The slow to speak part. I don’t think this means just to speak less, but it means to actually pause and give some thought to the words we speak. So often we just react. This is something that we will be focusing on this week, myself included.

Today’s verse is:

James 1:19

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…

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