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3 Simple Things That Can Turn Your Life Around

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When you are feeling down, have you found some things that can help turn your day around? What about some simple things that can even turn your life around?

Although I have never been officially diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder, I know that I have it. In some ways, it’s hard not to where I live.

It can seem a bit hokey-pokey to some, but this is a real condition and not something to be taken lightly. There are so many psychological disorders that are often so easily dismissed as though people can just will themselves out of whatever condition grips them. That would be nice, but no way.

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I’m in Michigan, and not only is it in the North where winter covers the area for months on end, but I am also near Lake Michigan, which means we fall victim to a thick blanket clouds that come from the lake for days and weeks on end for many months of the year. We can go weeks without ever seeing one glimmer of the sun, and there are several months when we see less than 10% of available sunshine in just one season. That’s depressing just to type.

This past year, however, I wanted things to be different.

It was last winter that I decided to apply what I already know: that thankfulness is the best medicine for many things.

When we are focused on being thankful, we focus less on that which steals our joy. Here’ how to turn your life around.

turn life around

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It was with that in mind that I determined to speak, out loud, three things that I was thankful for each and every time that I was feeling down about the weather. This proved to be a lot, which didn’t really surprise me.

I knew this would help me, but I really had no idea how much this would drastically change the course of my entire winter (and my entire life). At first, I was listing three things several times a day, but as time went by I easily listed more than three.

This continued for a few months, but what happened over time was that I grumbled less – a lot less. I discovered this amazing truth, and this was most unexpected.

Focusing on being thankful completely shifted my perspective

That was a tough winter for many reasons – constant sickness, bitterly cold temperatures, and what seemed to be skies that were even more dreary than normal, but I am completely amazed at how I never found myself in the valley where winter usually takes me each winter. In fact, I don’t think I ever even started on the downward slope that leads to the valley.

Do you find yourself in a valley? Do you suffer from a very real condition that seems to hold you firmly in its grip?

If so, then you, too, can determine to do these three simple things that just might help you weather the storm that rages overhead.

At first, this practice may seem awkward with little reward, but if you are anything like me, once your thankfulness gains momentum, it just may carry you to a different place, and a different future as well.

If you are finding yourself feeling down, try finding three little, or big, things in your life to be thankful for. Speak them out loud each and every time you are plagued by something that repeatedly steals your joy. With very little effort, like me, you just may be able to turn your life around.

This book is one of the best resources I have found in finding things to be thankful for:

One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are


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  1. I appreciate these reminders. Today I am still recovering from over doing it. I want to be so much stronger than I am and try to live like it some days. When I do I end up unable to properly care for my children. I know I need to practice thankfulness, but I don’t always do it as I should. I begin feeling like I got this handled and I don’t need to do all that depending on God stuff.
    I am thankful that God is so gracious to me that he wants me to be dependant upon Him.
    I am thankful that God doesn’t give me what my pride deserves.
    I am thankful for friends. New and old who remind me to humble myself before my God.
    Thank you Jennifer.

    1. You’re welcome. My turn. I’m thankful that my kids will one day be healthy and are not fighting serious illnesses. I am thankful that there is no snow on the ground anymore. I am thankful that I could have the windows open for a couple of hours yesterday. Now, if only I could have SC weather I’d be all set 😉 Wait, I think I missed my point in the post…guess I’ll do 3 more. I’m thankful for grass that is getting green. I am thankful for kids who smile at me when they get up, I am thankful for food to eat.

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