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31 Ways to Grow Your Family’s Faith Through Summer Fun – Bubbles!

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Summer. Life moves slower, time is more plentiful, and the days never seem to end. Summer is the perfect time to be intentional in building faith and in building relationships while having some fun, too.

When we were at a church fun night last week, I was noticing how everyone, adults and children alike, smiled as they watched bubbles float up into the sky. They had one of those huge bubble wands, and it made the most amazing bubbles. The kids who were making the bubbles had a ball making them, but as I sat and watched some of these enormous bubbles take shape and drift off on the breeze, I couldn’t help but be a bit mesmerized myself.


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Bubbles can be an inexpensive way for kids of all ages (adults included) to have a little fun, but they can also be a faith building experience. Gather the needed supplies (that big bubble wand is something I’m going to invest into) and have some time blowing bubbles with your kids. Even the most reluctant teen who thinks this sort of thing is “stupid” will wind up smiling and most likely wanting to have their own turn at creating some bubbles.

Observe with your children the way that bubbles seem to float on the wind, making them so hard to chase after at times. They seem to flit this way and that in a most unpredictable way. Sometimes, it can be hard to anticipate which way to go when trying to capture bubbles.

After the bubble blowing fun is over, grab your Bible and read Ecclesiastes 11:5, which says,

“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” 

Spend some time talking with your kids about how the path that God often asks us to take is unpredictable. Sometimes we have no idea where we are headed or how we are to get there, we simply go, just as the bubbles are subject to the way the wind carries them. There are many things we will never know on this side of heaven. Even if we meet trials, we can be sure that nothing is out of His hand. Nothing is beyond His control.

Encourage your kids to think of the way that God carries us where He wants us to go, even if it is not a journey we would choose to take the next time they watch bubbles float up in the sky.

Close your time thanking God for the beauty of summer and gentle breezes that carry bubbles on the wind. Thank Him for being in control of our lives and for carrying us where He intends for us to be. Finally, thank God for families who can learn and grow together, even through the simplest of fun activities.

Join the Intentional Mom community every day this August for a new way to grow your family’s faith through a memorable activity. 

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