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31 Ways to Grow Your Family’s Faith Through Summer Fun – Scavenger Hunt

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Join The Intentional Mom community every day this August, for 31 days, for a new way to grow your family’s faith while having fun. These simple yet highly relevant activities will deepen your family’s love for God and for others while enriching relationships between you and your children as well. You won’t want to miss one. 

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scavenger hunt

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Summer. Life moves slower, time is more plentiful, and the days never seem to end. Summer is the perfect time to be intentional in building faith and in building relationships while having some fun, too.

Today, create a scavenger hunt of basic items for your children to gather from people in your neighborhood. Depending on the age of your children, this could include things like a paper clip or more obscure things like a thumbtack.

Once they have completed as much of the list as they can, come home and read Isaiah 45:3, which says, “I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”

Explain to you children that as much fun as it was to collect treasures on the scavenger hunt, so much more valuable it is to gather the treasures in God’s word. The Bible is full of treasures relevant to every aspect of life, and all one needs to do is open the Bible—we don’t even have to go in search of His treasures, He gave them all to us in one place! how cool is that?!

Then, ask each child to share their favorite Bible verse. If they don’t have one, help them find one. Spend time helping your child memorize their favorite verse over the next week.

Close your time together in prayer, thanking Him for the blessing of neighbors, friends, family, and the Bible that is packed full of countless treasures on which to base our lives.

For the first seven ways to build your family’s faith in this series, you can find them here, here, here, here, here, here, and here including super fun things like ice cream, playing in the rain, and having a backyard campout!

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