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31 Ways to Grow Your Family’s Faith Through Summer Fun – Loving Family Members

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Join The Intentional Mom community every day this August, for 31 days, for a new way to grow your family’s faith while having fun. These simple yet highly relevant activities will deepen your family’s love for God and for others while enriching relationships between you and your children as well. They don’t take much time to complete, but you won’t want to miss one.

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Summer. Life moves slower, time is more plentiful, and the days never seem to end. Summer is the perfect time to be intentional in building faith and in building relationships while having some fun, too.

Summer is also a great time to focus on extended family members both near and far. We have extended family members who live in different states, and maybe you do, too. We are usually lucky enough to see them during the summer since they often come to visit once during this time. We also see our local family members more often during the summer. Maybe you do, too.

It is important to remind our kids that there are many people who love them and that they have many people in their lives who need their love and prayers, too.

Here’s today’s activity:

Spend some time today looking through pictures of family members. Talk together of what you love about each person. Next, talk about some of the favorite memories that you have with each person. Finally, list the things you would hope to do with each person some day – what memories would you look forward to making together someday?

Close your time together reading the story of Ruth. Ruth is a wonderful example of the love and devotion family members can have for one another. Pay special attention to Ruth 1:16-17, which reads,

But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” 

Close your time together by praying for each family member by name.

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