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Do You Know How to Work In Time Blocks?

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Do you know how to work in time blocks? Do you know what time blocks are? I have been maximizing my time with time blocks for about two years, and they have transformed the way I do things…and my frame of mind.

What is a time block?

Simply put, a time block is a form of scheduling that allows you to give focused attention to each of the different responsibilities that you have on a regular basis throughout any given day.

A time block is a scheduling tool that utilizes the certain methods that allow you to maximize your time.


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First, let me tell you what working in time blocks does for you.

It takes the sense of urgency out of things

When your time is focused in one area for a certain amount of time, you are able to see things that fall outside of that area as less urgent. By contrast, when your area of focus is open-ended when it comes to time, everything seems to feel urgent. You can be in the middle of something when an interruption occurs, which sends you off chasing whatever needs to be dealt with regarding that interruption. With a time block, you know when you will have the time to work on that interruption and avoid chasing after it.

It focuses your attention

When you have an allotted time for each thing, you can focus your attention on just that thing for that time. It is so incredibly freeing to just focus on one thing…except when those truly urgent things really do arise.

You can dump the guilt

You don’t have to feel guilty about putting something on hold until you get to it in the time block you have scheduled for. I often find it is so easy to feel guilty when something or someone needs to wait when it is not an urgent matter. When nearly everything I come across in a day falls into one of my time blocks, I don’t have to feel guilty about setting it aside because I know I will get to it in the proper time – and I know exactly when that proper time is and can share that time with others as well.

Time blocks promote efficiency

When you only have a close-ended, set amount of time to work with something, you naturally try to accomplish that task within the allotted amount of time. This is especially true if you are working with a timer in your time blocks. Everyone in my family gets more done when they are racing against the clock.

Time blocks make planning easy

Time blocks are a great way to ease into the idea of planning if you are new or resistant to the idea. Rather than planning everything moment by moment, hour by hour, you are able to plan in larger chunks of time, which a lot of people find to be helpful.

With your various roles and responsibilities laid out, you complete your time blocks by doing the following (this is the how-to part)

Time blocks always have a clear time noted for the beginning

A time block should always have a clearly defined beginning. This remains true even if you didn’t finish whatever it is that you had scheduled in the time blog immediately before. When your start time for a planned time block comes, that is where your attention shifts and gets focused.

Time blocks always have an end

This is especially nice when you are completing a task that you don’t like. Knowing where the end is helps me so much when I struggle to do something. When your time ends for a particular time block, you move on nearly 100% of the time because of course there are always exceptions to every rule.

Work with a timer

I mentioned this earlier, but in order to get the most out of each time block work with a timer. This is also nice if your family is wondering when you will get to whatever it is they are asking of you. When you can tell them exactly when you will be able to address their need, the nagging and pestering often stops. What a relief!

Work as hard as you can on each time block

I think this is an added benefit of having an end time established. I always want to get as much done within a time block as I can, which means it forces me to work as hard as I can within each time block rather than being a bit more ho-hum about it.

In many ways, time blocks are just a matter of you taking control of your time rather than your time and the crazy things that happen in your life controlling you. It is a way of holding yourself accountable, a way of practicing good habits in discipline, and a way of mastering basic time management skills.

If you have never worked with time blocks, you will be amazed at what a difference they can make in many areas of your life, including your peace of mind!

Do you work in time blocks? How do they work in your life? Please share in the comments.

intentional living

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