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How to Be Productive Even When You Have NO Time

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Life is busy. I totally get that. Life is too busy, in fact.

But, it’s about making the time you have count rather than being frustrated about the time you don’t have.

Put a different way, being productive is being proactive with the time you have rather than procrastinating until you have the time you wish you had.

Perhaps like me, you’ve discovered that this is never going to happen. Unless of course, you’ve discovered something I haven’t.

So, how can you best make the most of the time you have?

This is something I have experimented with in great depth. I’ve tried all kinds of ways to maximize my productivity. In doing so, I’ve narrowed it down to the absolute three best things you can do to effectively manage the time you have, therefore maximizing your productivity.

And, I’m excited to share them with you.

Tired of running on empty? Feeling like you never get anything done?

Here’s how you can be productive, even when you’re busy.


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Cut your to-do list in half

The thing is, so often we feel like the longer our list is, the more productive we will be. I say, the longer your list the more unproductive you will most likely be. And, long to-do lists are overwhelming. Long lists are intimidating. Long lists drain our energy and our resolve before we even get started on a single task.

Don’t believe me?

Try it for the next month.

Make your to-do list, and then cut it in half. Then, set about working through your list in a prioritized way and see how much more you’ll get done. It’s been life changing for me.

Create a simple morning routine

An effective morning routine that you do the same way day in and day out (even on the weekends) gets your day started off on the right foot. Even if your morning routine includes enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee, the simple sameness of the routine gives way to a more productive day.

Need help with a morning routine? I teach you how to make one in the free email challenge I created below.

change life

Create a simple evening routine

This is also something I teach you how to do in the email challenge I mentioned above. But, an evening routine should have a couple of things you need to do, a bit of time spent planning for your day tomorrow, and some time to unwind and relax, too. If you want help creating the perfect evening routine for yourself, just join in the challenge up there.

Short on time? You can still be highly productive with the time you have. Try this three simple tips to take your productivity to the next level.

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