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Weekly Spring Cleaning Project 5/4

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weekly spring cleaninRemember how I cleaned my refrigerator over here? If you notice, it was only a month ago.

I think it must be Murphy’s Law that within two weeks of cleaning my refrigerator, someone spilled a bowl full of egg whites from the top shelf all over the inside of the fridge. I may have cried when I discovered it. And, I have been too frustrated by it to clean it. Again.

So, I will be cleaning my fridge again using these same steps. Sigh.

In addition, I will be tackling a coat closet and a linen closet. I also need to do a majIMG_3562or rearrange on all the IMG_3561medication I store in an extra bathroom, moving it up to my bathroom closet instead. I have spoken of my #6 child before. He is so….just plain naughty. He refuses to stop playing in the medication, and in his Houdini like way, he can open any child lock devices, so, it is time to just move the medications where he can’t reach them. This will require me to find new places for things I have in my closet to make room so this will take some time, especially because I will be going back and forth between my first and third floors.

I did pretty well on last week’s projects. I completed my daughter’s bedroom – all but making the bed. Since she has decided to move in with her sisters again this room is now empty, again, so her bedding went with her to her sister’s room. Musical bedrooms. It happens all around and most times there is a slumber party of siblings somewhere. I completed the closet, but now it is in need of some straightening again, so, the kids will be taking care of that again today 😉IMG_3543_2IMG_3542

What do you have planned for the week?

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