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31 Ways to Grow Your Family’s Faith Through Summer Fun – Cloud Gazing

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Summer. Life moves slower, time is more plentiful, and the days never seem to end. Summer is the perfect time to be intentional in building faith and in building relationships while having some fun, too.

What a beautiful sky we have here again today. I seriously wish I could bottle these sorts of days up to save for February when winter is at its worst, at least for me.

cloud gazing

Remember how earlier in the month the family activity included some star gazing? Today, we are going to talk about doing the same gazing, but doing it during the day instead. Is there anything more peaceful than watching the clouds drift across the sky? I love blue sky and cloudless days, but watching clouds change shape and wisp across the sky is also fun.

Today, or maybe a different day if the sky does not allow for this activity, grab a blanket and head outside with your family. Spread out the blanket and have everyone lie down to watch the clouds. Look for objects in the clouds – get creative! You can find animals, objects, even people sometimes if you look a little bit “outside of the box.”

Then, grab your Bible and read Psalm 147:8, which says, “He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.”

Spend some time talking about how the beautiful skies, white puffy clouds, and even the dark and stormy clouds are gifts from God. Remind your kids that God supplies us with everything we need, just as He supplies the birds of the air and even the grass, flowers, and trees with what they need. We may wish for more, but no matter what we face, He is enough, and He gives us enough.

Bring your time together to a close with prayer. Thank God for blue skies, white clouds, summer fun, and that He supplies us with everything we need. Thank him for creating life, the earth and all the beauty around us, and for creating families to love and learn with each other.IMG_4296_2

Join the Intentional Mom community every day this August for a new way to grow your family’s faith through a memorable activity. 

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