
Being an Intentional Mom

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IMG_1612This week I mourned the loss of the gummy smile of my Little Prince as he got not one, but two teeth!  What is it about gummy smiles I love so much?  I’m not really sure, but I do love all things baby.

As I now have children from baby to teen and everything in between, I can say that each age is certainly unique and filled with its own gifts.  With such a large span of age between my first and last with kids stair stepped throughout, there is something that is so rewarding and heartwarming to go from struggling in helping one with algebra to struggling with another who is having trouble mastering letter recognition.  Certainly one end of the spectrum to the other within the same five minute time span.

The arrival of teeth again reminds me of how fleeting each moment is.  It reminds me of how each heartbeat really is a gift to be savored.  Not only do we never know when we will see that last gummy smile, experience changing that last diaper we are so ready to say goodbye to, or the last time we will be the first one our child seeks out to share an exciting event in their lives, but I am also reminded that we are not even guaranteed a tomorrow at all.  None of us.

As the weekend dawns, I pray you are able to slow, to be, to drink in the beauty and the joy of the world around you, wherever you may be.  Reflect on where you have been this week and the “lasts” that may have passed by without you even noticing.

Celebrate where you have been, but rejoice in where you will bravely go in accepting the challenge to be more intentional with the people who surround you.

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  1. I love this post. We have a family member who is fighting a very agressive form of cancer, and your post reminds me that I have some precious moments with my children and I want to cherish each moment I have with them. You are right we are not promised tomorrow. And gummy smiles disappear. Today i took time to plant some flowers with my soon to be 5 year old. #MakingMemories.

    1. Such a simple concept, but it’s so easy to get caught up in everything and forget…Planting flowers sounds lovely 🙂

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