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31 Ways to Grow Your Family’s Faith Through Summer Fun – Hopping Race

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Join The Intentional Mom community every day this August, for 31 days, for a new way to grow your family’s faith while having fun. These simple yet highly relevant activities will deepen your family’s love for God and for others while enriching relationships between you and your children as well. You won’t want to miss one. 

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Summer. Life moves slower, time is more plentiful, and the days never seem to end. Summer is the perfect time to be intentional in building faith and in building relationships while having some fun, too.

hopping race

Get everyone outside dressed in comfortable clothes and shoes that are perfect for hopping.

Establish a start and finish line that are going to be a challenge to complete hopping on one foot. Maybe you will have to choose more than one. Each person hops from the start line to the finish line –no cheating allowed!

Hopefully, your kids will stumble, fall over, or fall down because you want them to experience some difficulty in doing this. Have them practice a few times, and as they work on it more, hopefully they will get even just a slight bit better at it.

After you are all finished, have a quick snack of something fun like popsicles and grab your Bible. Read Psalm 37:24, which says, “Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”

Then, share with your family how God is here to pick us up when we stumble. We may fall, but He will be there to pick us up again. Anytime we read the Bible, pray, go to church, or listen to Godly people teach us, the Lord is lifting us up again, setting us on the right path again. Assure them that there will be times when we do stumble in our faith, but the more we practice the better we will become at it, just as we did when hopping.

Close your time together thanking God for family, summer fun, and for His guiding hand in our lives. Thank him for the Bible, our churches, and even the Godly people that He places in our path.

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