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Find Joy in the Journey

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No matter where you are, can you find the joy in the journey?

Every year I find it so powerful to choose a word or a theme for the year. I choose something to focus on, something to cling to, something to focus my efforts on.

Interestingly, two years ago it was to focus on living intentionally 🙂

joy in the journey

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This year, I am choosing to focus on finding joy in the journey as the road ahead isn’t going to be easy.

Sometimes, it can be so easy to see an uphill battle and bury our head in the sand. This is so tempting, I know. However, this year I have been so challenged to face hard things by a wonderful woman named Kara Tippetts. I have read two of her books and am working my way through her third.

This book has been a game changer for me this past year. If you have not read it and are looking to find your joy, this book will make it impossible to bury your head in the sand.

The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard

The thing is, that we can’t change the journey in front of us most times. With this in mind, we can choose to let it overwhelm and destroy us, or, we can choose to embrace the journey for all that it is – good and bad.

Today, I challenge you to choose something to focus on this next year. Wouldn’t it be great to choose to find joy in the journey together?

If you’re in for this joy journey, please let me know in the comments. I am mulling over creating a challenge focused on this idea as the new year starts, but I need to hear from YOU to gauge what the interest is.

Please let me know!

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  1. Yes! I would love to be in for the joy journey challenge. Sounds wonderful! I have so loved your periscope and blog! I listen and follow for the encouragement, motivation, and ideas. I love being a part of this online community of like minded Christian women.
    Thank you for all you do and share with this community! Many blessings and a pouring out of God’s grace and favor to you and your family as you continue your endeavor of joy in the journey in 2016.

    Your sister in Christ,

    1. You’re welcome, Ida! I always appreciate seeing you and your participation on my scopes. It would not be nearly as fun without everyone taking part!

  2. Jennifer,
    I would love to take part in your Joy in the Journey challenge! My word for the coming year is intentional, which is how I found you, your blog, and your scopes which I look forward to. 🙂 Thanks for everything that you put into this community. I am looking forward to 2016!

    1. Great, Peggy. Thanks for letting me know. Intentional is such a great word 🙂 Doing this as a community will be so rewarding! I will put you down, and information is soon to follow!

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