
Being an Intentional Mom

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watch me, momFor me, as I have become more focused on being intentional in my life, especially when it comes to my kids, I see so many opportunities that I may have otherwise missed.  I can’t really focus on all those missed opportunities, I just don’t need to feel that guilt, and there is grace to cover that, anyway.  I think the reason for this is two-fold.  This is partially because looking for these moments becomes a habit, but I also think it is because you go about life differently than you did before.  Being intentional, means you are simply going to notice more because you are moving a bit slower at times.

My two year old has taken to a new favorite phrase, probably for about the past couple of weeks.  I cannot tell you the number of times in one day I hear, “Watch me, mom!”  It can by the silliest of things, no big deal at all, and it will be cause for a, “Watch me, mom.”  You know how it is with two year olds, they say that one thing over and over and over again, and it can wear on you.  It can wear on you A LOT.

Despite the frequency of this phrase, I determined that I would acknowledge each of these, “Watch me, mom,” phrases every time today.  I would stop what I was doing and watch him every. single. time.

I watched the craziest things today.  Sometimes I seriously think I watched nothing at all!  But, I turned and I gave him my eyes, my attention, and my time every time he asked.

And do you know what?  It wasn’t all that bad.  It didn’t really add that much time to my day.  In fact, I don’t really think I could come up with a total time.  Was it five minutes?  Maybe ten?  Either way, it didn’t add up to much, because if there is one thing I know, it is where every single moment seems to go.  Maybe because my days are overflowing most times.

I am certain, however, that the moments I spent watching him filled his heart to overflowing today.  The look on his face when I turned to look at him and say, “What, buddy?” was truly priceless.  Being intentional with our kids doesn’t have to cost us much, but simple acts like this one speak volumes to our kids.

Pick one small way in which you can be intentional today, and then do it!


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