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What to Declutter In March For a Fresh & Clean Home [Free Printable Calendar]

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Clutter is something most of us face, and clutter can make us feel stressed, overwhelmed, and even depressed. While clutter can cause stress and overwhelm, the thought of decluttering can also feel the very same way. Having less clutter creates a more organized home that feels like a clean home we can be proud of. When it comes to decluttering our homes, it’s all about having the ideas and solutions that we can get done without having to spend time thinking about what to do. And this is where this is where having a list of decluttering tasks you can actually print off comes in super handy. Spring is the perfect time for some spring cleaning, and with this decluttering calendar you’ll know exactly what to declutter in March – or any month of the year!

I have some amazing declutter strategies for you below, but if you can’t wait to get started, just enter your email below to have this free March Decluttering Calendar delivered right to your inbox.

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Wondering how to start decluttering or how to simplify your life? This calendar is designed to give you just one task each day of the month. At the end of the month, your home will feel fresh and clean!

Here are the things you need to declutter in March to have a fresh & clean home!

what to declutter in march

(this post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you)

Have a plan to tackle the clutter

It’s all about having a plan. And, the more basic the plan, the more likely you are to complete it. Knowing specific decluttering tasks ahead of time means you will have more time to actually get your home looking beautiful just in time for spring.

Make a commitment to getting on top of the clutter – one step at a time

Just for the month of March, make a commitment to complete a new decluttering task done each day. This is exactly why I created this super cute decluttering calendar that you can print off. Go HERE to grab yours, print it off, and hang it someplace you will see it every day. Then, make a commitment to just get it done.

printable declutter calendar

Have a clutter strategy

Do you prefer to work on a decluttering project until completion? Or, do you prefer to tackle it in small increments? Knowing which you prefer can make the job much easier to get done. Don’t force yourself to get it all done at once if you just don’t work this way. If you prefer to work for just five minutes at a time, that is totally fine as long as you are still getting it done. Don’t force yourself into a mold that you just don’t fit in. We all want a cleaner home, but you can totally get it done in the way that works best for you.

Work with a timer

Never do I find a timer to be more beneficial than when I am working on decluttering projects. When you work with a timer, you can get the decluttering done so much quicker. Working against the clock will make you race against yourself, and spending less time decluttering means you will have more time for doing the things you really want to do.

decluttering calendar free

Create a declutter schedule

It is helpful to be strategic in planning a bit of time for decluttering into your daily or weekly schedule. Whether you prefer to tackle managing clutter all in one day focusing only on that or if you prefer to clean and get rid of clutter a little each day, create a declutter schedule that is realistic and will fit into your specific daily, weekly, or monthly routines.

Recognize that progress is progress

When it comes to managing clutter, something is better than nothing. And, any progress you make is progress made. Taking care of clutter today means you will have less clutter to take care of tomorrow. Of course clutter will forever need to be maintained, but every time you work on getting rid of the clutter in your home you are getting on your way to having a clutter-free home, a clutter-free mind, and a clutter-free life!

declutter printable worksheet

Reward yourself for your hard work

Reward yourself for a job well done. Decide on some type of reward that you can earn at the end of the month for completing these decluttering tasks. Make it something worth working for. And, have the discipline to only reward yourself if the work has actually been done.

Ready for a clean and organized home? Spring cleaning is here, and these are the best decluttering tips and tricks this mom of 9 has to just get it done!

Looking for more on how to declutter your home?

You Can Have a Clean Home

Mess Be Gone


Join the 7 day Declutter Challenge!

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