
Monday’s Walk in the Word 3/30

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walk in the wordToday’s Bible verse was one we talked about in church yesterday.  I thought it was a great verse for us to focus on this week.

Matthew 15:11

Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.

Such a powerful thought.  Jesus could have chosen all kinds of words.  He could have said that what comes out of a man’s mouth dishonors, wounds, affects, hurts, or reflects on in addition to a whole host of other words.  But the word He chose was defiles.  Defiles.  Webster defines defile as to make unclean or impure.  So everything us I do can be completely undone by my words.  I can be pure in how I treat others, in my thought life, in the things I do, but my words can make me unclean.

The tongue is so powerful.  This is what we will be focusing on this week.

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