
Monday’s Walk in the Word 9/21

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walk in the wordToday I felt like we as a family need to focus on strength. We’ve got some long days ahead, and we are all tired already from our busy week last week. We also have a couple kids who are getting over being sick, and strength is just what we need.

We are taking a couple of days off from school this week for what we call “sun days,” which are our homeschooling equivalent to snow days to the kids who are in school. At least around here in the North. You can read more about our sun days in No School!!! with the only difference being that it is a nice day in the fall as opposed to a nice day in the spring.

This verse should be a pretty easy one for kids to learn, even the young ones.

Today’s verse

Psalm 59:16

Psalm 59:16But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.

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