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Do You Have a Command Center That Works?

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I have found the family command center to be an essential component in keeping a bustling family going. It is the place where all the important things happen, are noted, and are kept, and for this reason, it is also the place that most often gets trashed in my home.

Remember how I’ve talked about us as moms seeing ourselves as the CEO of our family? All CEOs have an office or a desk, and as the CEOs of our family, we should have a well organized and functioning area in which to run the command center of our homes.

command center

I am so excited that 31 Days to a Clutter Free Life is taking us here for day 11 today, because my command center is looking a little bit worn. I have also been wanting to do an update to my bill paying system. As we have cut more expenses over the past few months, I have been wanting to do an overhaul on my family’s budget, too.

My command center is in my office, which is also the place where we keep all the extra office supplies and the kids keep the majority of their art supplies like paper, markers, crayons, pencils, glue, and so forth. So in this way, I am not the only one who uses it. My dream is to someday have an office that is off limits to everyone but me.

Because that is not the case right now, my office is a busy place, which is why having things organized is a must.

My command center is where I have the things I need as an office manager like bills, envelopes, stamps, and so on, and it is also where all the paper things that my family needs are kept.

When it comes to the way I keep track of things, like our family budget and our bills, I am rather old fashioned because I am really just a pen and paper girl. I guess maybe it’s because I just don’t have the time to attempt to figure out another method, but paper and pen work best for me.

When it comes to all the things my family needs, I have horizontal, 3 basket organizer where everything goes. This would be where various schedules, permission slips, order forms for upcoming fundraisers, and things I need to call about go. My family knows that if they are looking for something like this, these baskets are where they would find it. I have used this organizer for years and love it.

If you have never taken the time to set up even a small command center, this is a great opportunity to do that. Even if you have to share your space like I do, having a well thought out place that functions in the way you need it to in which you can fulfill your role as the CEO of your family will be time well spent. Happy cleaning and organizing in your command center today!

This post is based on a chapter in Ruth Soukup’s book, 31 Days to a Clutter Free Life. Grab a copy and join in as we work through it together, or, grab a copy and work through it at your own pace in your own time.

Either way, you will have a clutter free life by the time you work through all 31 days!

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