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It’s the Little Things

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So often we feel such pressure as parents to provide our kids with things that are over the top, when really, it is the little things that truly matter most.

little things

I had a reader reach out, asking about living intentionally with her kids. So often we are limited in resources, which means that many of us simply cannot afford to lavish our kids with all the things they want, the amazing life experiences around the world through traveling, and so much more. But does this really matter?

Often in dealing with the death of a parent, adult children enjoy reminiscing about their fondest of memories.  I am always struck by what they remember – or at least what they talk about most

More times than not, their mind does not dwell on the elaborate gifts or the razzle-dazzle vacations. Their fondest memories live in the mundane realities of life that were made beautiful by a simple gesture rooted in the unconditional love and security that only a parent can give to a child.

It could be a lunchbox note, a bedtime story, or a special meal made with love, but so often it is the most basic of traditions that serve as an anchor to hold a child firmly in place while also having a bit of slack with which to find their own way. Trips to the hot dog stand in pajamas, movie nights with freshly popped popcorn, and a Sunday afternoon drive with nowhere in particular in mind all speak to the innermost heart and soul of a child.

I am amazed at how traditions hold a special place in the heartbeat of a family. But again, they are often comprised of ordinary things, but ordinary things that could be counted on and longed for.

I think as moms we are often the tradition makers. Scavenger hunts for Easter baskets, letters written from Santa, cinnamon rolls every Saturday morning – they all resonate deeply in the heart and soul of a child to the point where these are among the memories recalled over the duration of a lifetime.

Even with no money and very little time, traditions can be established and celebrated time and time again. Basic traditions that to an outsider can seem rather boring are often the ones that our kids love the most.

There is no need to feel pressure to do and be all things as extraordinary when it comes to being moms. We only need to live life, real life, down in the trenches with our kids while making a point to show them they are loved in all kinds of ways. In reality, it really is all about the little things.

What matters to your kids? Share in the comments!

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