Keeping Up on Laundry: Tips From a Mom of 9

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If there is one thing I know about being a mom of 9, it is the ongoing, never-ending, almost always constant overwhelm of keeping up on laundry. It doesn’t really matter what size your family is. Laundry is always there, lurking around every corner. Even when our family was just a family of four, the struggle of laundry was real. As with any task, the real power comes in breaking a larger task down into bite-sized pieces. And, that is exactly what I’ve got in store for you today. If you’ve been struggling to keep up on the laundry, I cannot wait to help take this stress out of your life.

Do you also struggle to keep up on your cleaning? Since I also know the pain of a clean home that gets dirty & cluttered in a matter of moments, I’ve created a weekly cleaning schedule that will help you stay on top of it. Just tell us where to send it & have a cleaner home you can feel good about!

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When it comes to laundry, I think one of the biggest challenges is the time required to get it done from start to finish. If your life is like mine, it’s filled with content interruptions and only little pockets of time for tasks. This makes getting larger tasks more difficult.

This is where the beauty of literally breaking every step down in the laundry process comes in. When you do this, you can easily set laundry aside and pick it back up. A step by step plan also means that others in your family can help you without you having to explain it again and again.

Having a masterplan for laundry is the answer you’ve been looking for, but maybe you never knew it.

Keeping up on laundry really is possible – and simple, too.

how to keep up on laundry

I’ve got your step by step instructions on how to keep up on the laundry – just click HERE to keep reading!

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