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This Is What You Can Do For Las Vegas

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The Las Vegas Shooting.

The world is a scary place these days. I guess it has always been filled with hatred, violence, and war, but maybe what makes it different today is that technology has made it so that we can watch it all unfold in real time right in front of our eyes. Maybe that is what makes it so scary.

Acts of terrorism, mass shootings, car bombs, and attempted kidnappings have all been part of the news in just the past week. In my hometown a group from a cycling club was run over causing death and injury on a grand scale.

Just a couple of months ago a young singer was shot while greeting fans at a book signing. As if that weren’t enough, the very next night in the very same city was a mass shooting with more than 50 killed and many more wounded….and this all happened in one of the liveliest places on earth – Las Vegas.

Las Vegas. Will you ever be the same?

I am nowhere near Las Vegas and maybe you aren’t either, but there are things that even we can do to make a positive impact in the wake of such tragedy. In fact, I would even say that there are things we should be doing.

Here is what you can do for Las Vegas:

pray for las vegas

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Whether you are a Christian as I am or someone who simply believes in the power of prayer, you can pray for all involved. This would include all of the first responders who arrived on scene and continue to work in the midst of this tragedy. Pray for those working in the hospitals, those who work in the nightclub, the blood bank. Pray for the businesses all around the scene of the horrible tragedy in addition to the victims and their loved ones. You can pray for Las Vegas.

Educate yourself

Educate yourself on what is going on in the world around you. It is tempting to just turn a blind eye to all the anger, hatred, and violence in the world today. But, to bury your head in the sand accomplishes nothing. Educate yourself on where you want to stand on various issues. This means even the hot button topics like gun control. This way, you can make informed decisions about where you stand and what you believe in.

Don’t become part of the problem

I’ve written before about how I have a love/hate relationship with social media but when it comes to hot button issues, social media is a breeding ground for further spreading the message of hate. There are so many good and informative standpoints that are shared on social media, but to further share things that are divisive is to become part of the problem.

The point of educating yourself is to form your own opinion, but to think that you will persuade others to adopt your opinion when it is shared in a negative format via social media is wishful thinking in many ways. By all means, share information, but to share something that is condemning, degrading, or harshly judgmental in nature is to add more fuel to the fire that is already taking over the world we live in.

Teach your children

Teach your children to live in the world around them. Then, teach them to stand up for the things you and they believe in, teach them to be people of character, teach them to have a voice, but teach them to do these things within the context of treating others with respect, love, and compassion. Teach them to accept that they can disagree with others and still live in peace with them. Teach your children to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Donate blood

Donate blood? I’m nowhere near Las Vegas! That’s ok. You can still donate blood where you live. There are people who need blood in your community every day. Hopefully there will never be a large tragedy where you live, but there are no guarantees. Donating blood is a way of ensuring that those who need blood in your area will have it regardless of what does or doesn’t happen.

Support and encourage those who are hurting

Remember all those people I mentioned earlier who are hurting? Find a way to support and encourage them. Write letters to churches, hospitals, or businesses in the area. Even better, write a letter or card to people who own the hotel or the venue where the shooting took place. Praying for the city of Las Vegas is important, but so is letting them know that they aren’t standing alone.

Don’t forget about the local police, fire stations, ambulance companies, and other public servants there because as life goes on for all the rest of us, they will still be living it every day. Post a a generic encouraging message on social media letting those who are hurting know that you are keeping them in your thoughts and prayers. Support and encouragement don’t have to be complicated, and it can go such a long way.

The mass shooting in Las Vegas has stirred the pot on so many things. But, we can choose to be a ray of light during this dark time. Even if you live thousands of miles away as I do, you can touch Las Vegas in a very real way.

Share this message on your social media networks and together we can make a positive change.

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