
Thursday’s Walk in the Word 10/1

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walk in the wordThis is such a great verse. So often we go about our day leading, guiding, training, modeling, and correcting our children, but do we pay attention to when we might take all of that just a bit too far? Just as we can be a “leaky faucet” in regards to our husbands, we can also be one to our children.

Exasperate. I think this is such a strong word to use, but it must be because it is a strong warning to parents. He could have said things like bother, annoy, or even exhaust, but the word used is EXASPERATE.

I don’t know about you, but to me, exasperate is far beyond being exhausted and is a descriptive way of saying things like done, depleted, and out of gas.

Today, let’s be mindful of being a mother while not exasperating our children.

Today’s verse:

Ephesians 6:4

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

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