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Why It’s Really All About the Why

The Intentional Mom Planning System is where you need to start with our incredible collection of product options. It will help you establish the basics for your life & home so you’ll finally have a plan, save yourself time, and go to bed feeling like you accomplished something every day (because you did). Save up to 60% HERE!

Whenever we embark on a new journey, it really is always about the why, isn’t it? It is always important to know the why behind the things we do because if we don’t, how will we ever know if we have accomplished what we’ve set out to accomplish…or anything at all for that matter?

I’m all about setting goals, and you can read more about my thoughts regarding goals in What’s the Point in Setting Goals, Anyway? and So, You’ve Set Some Goals, Now What? However, in order to set appropriate goals, you must start with the why.

Here are the questions I find helpful when it comes to determining my why:


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What are my current roles?

Who and what am I responsible to? Who is dependent on me? What are they dependent on me for?

What are my current time constraints?

These could be things like a husband who travels a lot, caring for an aging parent, being a mom and caregiver to little children who are primarily dependent on you, health struggles of your own, having to work outside or inside the home, and so much more. Determine what occupies your time as things that must be done on a daily basis.

What three areas of my life are running relatively smoothly?

I find it is always good to start with the positive. Recognize where you are doing a good job before moving on to the next step.

What three areas are my biggest struggles right now?

For our purposes here, what are your three biggest struggles in your day to day operations? Is it getting kids out the door in the morning? Getting meals on the table? Having enough time to devote at least a small portion of your day to the things that fill your soul? Getting enough sleep at night? Something totally different? Identify your three areas of struggle as it pertains establishing some structure in your daily life. These are things that we will work on improving in creating an evening routine in the coming days.

What is one small way that I can improve something about each of these three things?

Let me give you an example of what I mean by small. Let’s say that getting to bed at a decent hour is the issue. A simple improvement here could be setting an alert on your phone as a 20 minute warning of when you know you need to get to bed. Speaking of determining a good time to get to bed, try reading 10 Things You Can Do to Get More Rest. Setting an alert or alarm on your phone is one simple step in improving this area.

How could these three small changes improve my areas of struggle?

Again, this is referring to changes you are making in areas of struggle that will help your evenings (and therefore your days) run more smoothly.

After working your way through these six questions, you should easily be able to determining your why when it comes to establishing your objectives and goals as we focus on how we can have more productive, efficient, and restful evenings in the coming days.

So, what’s your why? Feel free to share in the comments.

This post is based on Day One in Crystal Paine’s new course, Make Over Your Evenings. We are working through this course together as a community, and you can still join in. Click on the graphic below to purchase the course, it’s only $17, and there is even a money back guarantee!

You can read about how working through this as a community lays out by clicking on this link here.

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