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Creating an Evening Routine That Works For You!

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When it comes to finding an evening routine that actually works, starting with implementing the 3-2-1 plan is a great place to start. Reading that first would be great. In essence it is deciding on 3 things that have to be done, 2 things that you want to do, and 1 thing that you could do should you have the time.

From there, you will more easily be able to implement the steps in creating an evening routine that works for you! It may seem unnecessary to go through the bother of actually creating an evening routine that is written down, however, I know that it is so common to have everything else take over, whittling away at the time we have to actually do the things we need to do as well as the things we want to do in the evening.

When I implemented the 3-2-1 plan in my own life, I came up with the following areas to address in creating my own evening routine that has balance and actually works for me:

creating an evening routine that works for you

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Family Time

This is time that we spend as a family. Usually it just consists of devotions and a chapter in a book that we are reading together. This is separate from the individual bedtime rituals with our kids, but it is just a 15-20 minute block of time that we spend all together.

Husband Time

This is time when my husband and I just touch base about what is going on in the next few days, talk about anything from our day, and discuss anything that needs to be discussed in a lighthearted way. If there issues of any kind to deal with, we schedule them for a date night or a time when we will have a bigger block of time.

Productive Time

This is when I am taking care of the details that I have determined as things that must be done every night. This would include housework, prep work, my calendar and the to-do list that we have explored earlier in this course.

Me Time

This is when I am doing those two things that were the wants I decided to incorporate as part of the 3-2-1 plan. Because these things have been chosen wisely and because they have been planned and scheduled for, I can have this me time without guilt. For this reason, this me time is purposeful.

Rest Time

Yes, I am making sure that I am getting enough time to rest and sleep in creating an evening routine that has balance. Rest doesn’t always mean sleep, although I am getting more of that these days, but rest time is time when I am having time off my feet since I am on the go so much during the day.

Just like creating a morning routine that works for you is important, so is having an evening routine that is important. What works for me will be different than what works for you, but by reading the 3-2-1 plan and then perhaps using some of the ideas here, you’ll have the building blocks to get your evening routine in place!

This post is based on day 12 in Crystal Paine’s new course, Make Over Your Evenings. Find out more about this game changing resource HERE.

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