
A Solid Foundation

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Right now my oldest and I are watching some Kenneth Copeland videos on a topic we enjoy in the evenings as part of our one-on-one time.  It is a great way for us to gain wisdom into this particular aspect in our lives, but also just last night I remarked at how I enjoyed watching these at night, sometimes it is after 10 by the time we get to it, but I like feeling like my day ends well.  I’m focused on getting God’s word in at the end of my day.

This is also how I start my day, reading the Bible.  It may not always be first thing if something else has come up, but it is always before I do much of anything else.  I was struck by this verse last night:

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Joshua 1:8

I find such truth in this verse, and it has become so real to me on my journey of being more intentional in 2015 as I start my day in an intentional way.  I find when I spend time in the Word in the morning, His thoughts, His words, and His commands flow out of my mouth and become part of my actions throughout the day.  Ending my day this way also helps my day feel as though it was focused on the Word all day, even if there were moments in which they weren’t.

What I noticed in this verse today that I didn’t before, was that He specifically states that if we are meditating on the Word day and night, we will be prosperous.  It is an if-then statement, my favorite kind.  I am a person who likes all the information up front.  I am more than happy to do what you tell me to do, just tell me why I should.  I can affect the outcome of my day by doing this one, simple thing.  Meditating.  I love that word.  To me it means things like linger, ponder, and wonder in quiet stillness.

When I savor a few verses in the morning, I can meditate on it throughout the day no matter what my day entails.  My mind is naturally drawn back to what I read that morning whether I am driving kids around, folding laundry, teaching school, or even washing out cloth diapers.

I am the key to my success.  When I am following His ways, His commands, and in his Word, I will succeed.  What an amazing promise.  I would love for my day to be a success, wouldn’t you?

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