
How the Worst Part of My Day Became the Very Best Part of My Day

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Have you ever had an experience where the very worst part of your day became the very best part of your day? I did, and it wasn’t too long ago.

best part of my day

Although we homeschool our kids, we are blessed with an amazing homeschool music program that three of my kids are a part of. Wednesdays are the day they meet, and because my kids are in all different classes throughout the day I drive back and forth and back and forth from eight in the morning until nine that night by the time we are finished will all sports and church activities.

Although it is so good for them, driving them back and forth and back and forth gets really tiring. However, I do recognize that I am not the only mother who feels like she lives in her car at times, and I’m sure I have it much better than moms whose kids have all the typical school activities to add into the mix. Nonetheless, it does get tiring for me by this time of the year.

Living in the North, we often have snow days. I don’t keep track, but it probably averages out to be about eight a year most years. My kids’ activities on Wednesdays follow the public school district that they are located in when it comes to holding school or canceling school.

I had been praying for a snow day one particular Wednesday earlier this year so I could have just one Wednesday off…snow days had been occurring on every day but Wednesdays. When it didn’t come on this particular week, I was beyond frustrated and just so, so tired.

Begrudgingly, I headed out on the road at eight a.m., and by my tenth time in my car in the late morning I was even more frustrated that I was on the snowy roads than I had been when I had set off.

What I am about to say is truly amazing since I was so stuck in my pouting phase that I’m surprised that I even noticed, but when I turned to look out my passenger side window I managed to see the beautiful girl who was seated in that seat.

I was awestruck.  She was stunningly beautiful to me in that moment and it was the weirdest sort of flashback when all 14 years of her life zipped right before my eyes, taking me from that same profile I had seen on my ultrasound before she was even born to her profile as she sat there in the present day..literally in the blink of an eye.  I felt like time stood still.

As I sat there looking at that beautiful girl of mine, I realized that if I hadn’t been on the road that day, I would have missed this entire experience. I would never have paused to look at her, to really look at her, and to rejoice in the gift that I have received in being her mom. I realized how having to do the very last thing I wanted to do ended up being the best part of my day.

Each day is a gift, even the ugly, overwhelming, and I don’t want to get in my car yet again kinds of days. This was the lesson I learned on that day. Maybe you need to be reminded of that, too? Look around you. Even in the midst of the hard, exhausting, and messy, and find your gift.

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  1. I don’t know why (hormones?) but this post totally made me cry!

    I can’t even imagine my oldest being big enough to be in the front passenger seat (she’s 8) but reading this made me think how nice that will be one day 🙂

    I’ve discovered this blog through the Money Making Mom book launch team. At least I think I did. I found several blogs from other members I wanted to check out and have had tabs open for at least a week, waiting to be read – glad I’m finally getting to it!

    Thank you for inspiring a new perspective for those awful in-the-car days!

    1. Hi Jillian!
      I am on the launch team, so that totally could have been it. It goes by in a flash…savor every minute. Each age is awesome, though. But I could swear I just brought her home from the hospital yesterday!

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