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12 Common Pregnancy Lies

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From the moment you find that you’re expecting, and maybe even before, the sky is the limit on what you can find out about all things pregnancy. Some of the things you may find out are great things that you look forward to, and some of the things are things that maybe you’d rather not know. Here’s the thing, though, not all pregnancy information is created equal, and not all things that you may read or hear about pregnancy are even true. In fact, I find that there are some common lies that circulate about pregnancy.

As I write this, I am currently pregnant with my eighth child. I also taught childbirth education classes for years. This means that I have spent many years of my life dealing with pregnancy related issues whether my own or those belonging to others.

Here are 12 common lies about pregnancy from a mom of eight.

pregnancy lies

1. Pregnancy is a nine month process

Technically, pregnancy is measured in 40 weeks, which makes it 10 months. I really have no idea where the nine month idea ever came from, but it can be a rude awakening to figure out that math when you are about 8 weeks from your due date and ready to just be done. You heard it here…it’s 10 months. No surprise at the end 🙂

2. It takes awhile to start showing

While this can be the case, it isn’t always the case. It completely depends on every woman’s body size, body shape, number of pregnancies, and how this particular pregnancy happens to be affecting you.

3. Morning sickness is in the morning

Sickness doesn’t just happen in the morning. While this may be more common, it is a complete myth when you find yourself hanging over the toilet at all hours of the day and night.

4. Weight gain doesn’t happen early on

It is hard to believe that you can start gaining weight before you can even see that you’re pregnant, but a woman’s body is an amazing thing that was created to have babies. Your body knows just what it’s doing, and it’s doing it at the right time. If you show up to your first prenatal appointment to find that you’ve gained eight pounds, it’s ok. Gaining weight early also doesn’t mean that you will gain an enormous amount of weight throughout your pregnancy. Remember, everyone is unique, every pregnancy is unique, and every baby is unique.

5. I don’t need to worry about childbirth classes for many months

As a childbirth educator, I cannot tell you how big of a lie this is. This is especially true if you are wanting to take some outstanding childbirth education classes. Outstanding classes and outstanding educators fill up fast. In most cases, however, especially if you are taking classes from a private teacher as I was, there is limited space. I taught some classes in my home and some at doctor’s offices. In both cases, space is limited. Also, my instruction was very hands on. My class size was limited to six couples so that each couple could get the hands on teaching that they needed and deserved. If you don’t want to be turned away, register early.

6. I can learn everything I need to know about childbirth in books or online

Nope. There are so many things that one can learn by reading or in an online format, but if you are looking to have a memorable childbirth experience, it won’t happen without being in a hands on environment. Think back to any class you’ve ever taken that has a lab component. How much would you have really learned by watching a lab online or reading about it. The same thing applies here.

7. I don’t need anything childbirth class related since I’m just having an epidural anyway

In a really good childbirth series, at least 12 hours or more, you will learn so much more about pregnancy, childbirth, labor and delivery, baby care, and breastfeeding, than you could learn on your own. My classes included information on pregnancy diet and exercise, pregnancy relievers for common problems, hands on scenarios, various pain relief options and skills, newborn care, and breastfeeding among other relevant and useful topics. When you forego being well educated in childbirth classes because you are just going to walk in and get the epidural, you may be one of the ones who end up with an epidural that doesn’t work, an epidural that only affects one half of your body, or progressing through labor to quickly to even get one. Putting all your eggs in the epidural basket is not a wise choice.

8. You need to eat for two

This is also one of those lies that often circulates. In reality, a pregnant woman needs to make wise and healthful eating choices, but a normal pregnant woman only needs about 300 extra calories a day. Be sure to check with your individual doctor about your specific dietary needs, but eating for two is a common lie.

9. I can’t color my hair

I’ve got you covered on this one because I am also a licensed cosmetologist. I think this is a common lie because it may have been the way things used to be, but like anything else, countless improvements have been made and there is no concern with any of the chemicals used in hair color today.

10. Weight gain only happens in the torso

While it is true that the bulk of the weight you gain will be in your torso area in some way depending on how you carry, weight gain occurs in other places, too. I am always amazed that in addition to my breasts getting larger, so do my legs, arms, and other areas…and I am not referring to swelling. From early on, I can tell by the way that my clothes fit that I am gaining weight in other areas, too.

11. No exercising, no caffeine, and no traveling during the third trimester

These are among those common lies that I think may have been truths years ago, but these are no longer common black and white blanket statements that apply to all women. These are things that can be discussed with your doctor on a case by case basis. Often, you can get the green light on all these things and more.

12. I will love being pregnant

I am one who really loves being pregnant, but there are many who don’t for one reason or another. As a mom of eight, I can say that I was built to have babies. For instance, I am only 5’5, but I have the torso of a woman who is 5’9 according to my doctors. While I get just as ready to be done at the end as the next pregnant mom, I am blessed with a body that is very well equipped for being pregnant. If you don’t love being pregnant, that’s ok. You are not alone!

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also be a time that is met with apprehension and confusion about what to believe and expect and what to filter out. These are the 12 most common lies that I have found pregnant women to struggle with.

Looking for more? You may also enjoy 50 Things Expectant Moms Won’t Hear Elsewhere, 20 Amazing Tips For Surviving Pregnancy, How to Write an Amazing Birth Plan For a Natural Birth, 12 Tips to Prepare Your Child For a New Sibling, The New Mom’s Guide to Packing a Hospital Bag, and 10 Creative Ways to Bless a New Mom.

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  1. I love this! It’s so true. So many lies! Even for twins it was 600 extra calories. So 300 each baby. And I didn’t really have morning sickness with any pregnancy! It’s crazy how different each persons body handles pregnancy. Great list of ideas for mommas out there!

    1. it’a amazing, isn’t it. I think it’s just one of those things that gets said, and then repeated! A lack of morning sickness is SO nice! I generally have it pretty easy there, too. I have friends who get it so bad that they’ve needed to get IVs all the time. Ugh!

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