
Fitness Friday

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Fitness Friday

2 days a week, 45 minutes

Intermediate-Difficult, Running Workout

This workout is for the runners.  If you are looking for a beginning workout, go here.  As a distance runner, I find my running to become quicker when I cross train with sprints and hills.  This is an intense workout, which is why I only recommend it 2 days a week, but make sure to alternate it for at least 2 days with a walking workout like this one or one of your own.  It is designed to be done on a treadmill, but it can be modified to outdoors if you can find a decent hill.  You can assume that you will be working at a level 8-9 throughout this workout.

Of course if you have any medical concerns this should be avoided, and if at any point you feel dizzy or completely unable to catch your breath, you should stop and seek the advice of your doctor.

  • a quick 2 minute warm up with no incline at a decent pace
  • after 2 minutes, bump up the incline to 3.0, no change in pace. Spend 2 minutes there
  • after 2 minutes bump the incline up to 6.0, no change in pace.  Spend 2 minutes there
  • after 2 minutes bump it up to 9.0 for 3 minutes
  • after 3 minutes lower incline back down to 0
  • after 1 minute, increase your pace to an 8:30 minute mile at no incline.  Spend 4 minutes there
  • after 4 minutes slow back down to a 15 minute mile or so.  Catch your breath for 2 minutes
  • after 2 minutes increase incline to maximum incline, no change on pace.  Spend 4 minutes there
  • after 4 minutes, decrease incline to 6.0 and change pace to 10:00 minute mile.  Spend 4 minutes there
  • after 4 minutes decrease incline to 0 and decrease pace to 15 minute mile.  Spend 3 minutes there
  • after 3 minutes increase your pace to 7:30 minute mile with no incline.  Spend 3 minutes there
  • after 3 minutes slow your pace to 15 minute mile, no incline, spend 3 minutes there
  • after 3 minutes, increase incline to 6.0 and pace to 6.3.  Spend 4 minutes there
  • after 4 minutes, lower your incline to 0 and your pace to a comfortable cool down pace for a 3 minute cool down

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