
Inspirational Quote From Thomas Edison

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I love teaching school at home. It’s not for everyone, I know, but I truly do enjoy it, at least most days.

One of the cool things is coming across all these cool quotes right in their textbooks. We use the most amazing stuff for history and science. We came across this one in history the other day. I have now read it at least four times in both history and science through the years.

thomas edison quote

Whenever my kids, or I, feel discouraged, this is a great one to pull out. It is true that it often takes failure, many failures, to experience success. So often we give up in the midst of the failures, however.

If we could just change how we define failure, the journey would be so much easier.  Thomas Edison was relentless in his pursuit of electricity.  What would have happened if he gave up?

Whether it is in school, sports, or any kind of project they try their hand at, my kids often need a good dose of encouragement to keep going. May you find this as inspiring as we do!

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