
You Have to Take the Stairs – Zig Ziglar

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If given the choice, an elevator to the top sure would be nice rather than taking the stairs, wouldn’t it?

When looking for success, it is so tempting to want to fast forward through the back-breaking work that is often the precursor to achieving greatness.

Just last night my oldest and I were having this conversation so I went in search of something inspirational to share with her and happened upon this little gem from Zig Ziglar.

zig ziglar

It’s interesting.

Would you think I was weird if I were to tell you that for as long as I can remember, I have preferred to take the stairs rather than an elevator? I’m referring to literally moving upward in a building…I would rather take the stairs.

I am all about being healthy and getting a little exercise anywhere I can, which I think is where this strange preference comes from.

When it comes to the figurative translation of this statement, I really don’t mind the stairs, either.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying I easily embrace challenges, that is unless someone tells me that “I can’t” because telling me that I can’t do something only motivates me to accomplish that thing and then some. Or at least die trying.

However, when it comes to climbing mountains, I don’t like that any more than you probably do. When the way before me seems too steep, I do entertain the idea of turning around or at least sitting down right where I am and having a good cry.

Interestingly, I like taking the stairs, but only when I choose to take the stairs. When life throws me a curveball and I’ve got no choice but to climb, I am not a fan of climbing stairs under those conditions. Not one bit.

My daughter and I were discussing this concept of an uphill battle as this seems to be her reality right now, and my girl is winded. My girl is weary. My girl feels about like I do at at mile 13 of a 15.5 mile race.

With the place my daughter has to go, she was so hoping for an elevator ride to get there. But as you and I know, reality provides no elevator unless you happen to be one of the very, very few lucky ones who has success drop right in your lap.

Most of us know that when it comes to nearly any job, starting at the bottom is just part of the game. We understand that rare is the time that we will live on Easy Street since most of us take up residence on streets like Uncertainty, Struggle, Trial and Error, and Not a Chance.

I love this quote from Zig Ziglar. It gives me a great visual reminder of this age old truth: there is no such thing as a free ride.

Rising to the top in any sport, in any job, in any comtetative market means that we will have some stairs to climb before we get there. Lots of them in most cases.

But I will ask you the same question I asked my daughter: Wouldn’t you rather arrive at the top winded, exhausted, and completely depleted than you would to arrive at the top looking like you just stepped out of the latest issue of Glamour?

As tempting as it is to say that I would like to take the elevator, I think that I would rather take the stairs since there is nothing better than that sense of accomplishment you receive in conquering a daunting set of stairs all on your own. Even when the journey shakes me to my core.

What about you? Are you willing to take the stairs? If not, I would wonder whether you would ever actually get where you’re wanting to go.

So, what started as looking for something inspirational to pull my daughter through a tough time has morphed into a message that maybe someone else needed to hear and a great reminder for myself.

There are no shortcuts, there is no fast forward button, and most times, you just need to climb those stairs.

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