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25 Simple Ways to Have Some Fun With Your Kids – Free Printable Activities List

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Looking for some fun and creative ways to add a little fun to an ordinary day? Try any of these 25 simple, frugal, and fun for all ages ideas to have some fun with your kids. Some days, you just need a break from the everyday normal activities. And, some of the best memories are made while just having some old fashioned fun together. There are some activities for indoor fun and some activities for outdoor fun, and every single one of these activities doesn’t have to cost a thing.

Looking for some more fun family activities? Grab these creative family ideas by entering your email below. Then, check your inbox!

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I often pull out some of these ideas after we’ve had a particularly difficult day whether it was an endless school day, a day with constant bickering between siblings, or just a day that exhausted everyone from beginning to end. Although I am too structured by nature to really be described as a “fun mom,” yet I am trying, I can choose to add a little spice to life. My kids always think it is so much fun. Their smiles are priceless!


Here are 25 ways to have some fun with your kids!

have fun kids simple

  1. Declare a pajama day
  2. Have a backwards day in as many things you can from the way you wear your clothes to the order in which you eat your meals—have dinner for breakfast and so on—and eat dessert first!
  3. Eat only dessert items all day (it really will be ok)
  4. Watch movies or tv all day (maybe some should be educational?)
  5. Play games all day
  6. Read books all day
  7. Build a killer fort and spend the day inside
  8. Spend all day outside playing
  9. Play dress up, and then wear those clothes all day
  10. Do that messy thing your kids always want to do, but you never do— finger painting, playdoh, etc.
  11. Have a child pick out your clothes, and then wear them all day
  12. Other than what is necessary, do no chores until you get ready for dad to come home
  13. Let your child or various children plan the menu for the day, even if it is pb&j for dinner
  14. Spend the day looking through old pictures or watching old videos
  15. Have an outdoor picnic
  16. Have an indoor blanket inside if weather doesn’t permit going outside
  17. Take a simple field trip to a fire station, park, or playground, and eat lunch there
  18. Speak in pig latin or in crazy voices
  19. Spend the day only whispering
  20. Use the “fancy” dishes for a meal and dress in formal attire. This is really funny if you eat something like macaroni and cheese
  21. Let your child/children help make the meals—or—if they are old enough they make them all
  22. Eat only snack foods all day
  23. Spend the day washing your car inside and out with the kids helping, getting plenty wet
  24. Have everyone choose different names, and then use them all day. This becomes really fun when you create a fun “penalty” for using someone’s real name
  25. Sing instead of talk all day. My kids really love this one!

Coming up with some creative ways to have a little fun doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether you use these suggestions or come up with your own, have a little fun with your kids (and have some fun yourself) today!

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