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31 Ways to Grow Your Family’s Faith Through Summer Fun – Follow the Leader

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Join The Intentional Mom community every day this August, for 31 days, for a new way to grow your family’s faith while having fun. These simple yet highly relevant activities will deepen your family’s love for God and for others while enriching relationships between you and your children as well. You won’t want to miss one. 

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Summer. Life moves slower, time is more plentiful, and the days never seem to end. Summer is the perfect time to be intentional in building faith and in building relationships while having some fun, too.

This is a fun activity where the little ones can be in charge – a game of follow the leader! In my family, the poor little ones are always getting dragged around here and there, but this is their chance to lead the rest of the family wherever they would like to go – safely of course.

follow the leader

Whether in your neighborhood, at a park, or in the mall, have your younger children lead your family in a game of follow the leader. Spice it up by having them do goofy things, too, like stoping for some jumping jacks, walking with your tongue sticking out, or walking backwards. In terms of fun, the goofier the better!

When you have finished, grab your Bible and read Luke 5:11, which says, “So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.”

Spend a few minutes putting this verse in context. Talk about how Jesus called 12 men to give up their lives to follow Him. Tell your kids how He wants us to follow Him, and also that He wants us to tell others about Him so that they may follow Him, too. Jesus and His disciples were “fishers of men,” and we are called to be that, too.

Close your time together thanking God for the gift of His Son, for the disciples who dropped everything to follow Him, and for the opportunity we all have to follow Jesus into eternal life. Finally, thank Him for family, for outdoor fun, and for the beauty of being outside.

Looking for more of the 31 ideas? Scroll back through the previous days’ activities…you can find them under the Intentional Mom tab under Family Life. We are near the end of our summer fun journey. Hopefully, you have been having some fun and growing your family’s faith this month!

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