Thursday’s Walk in the Word 5/21

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walk in the wordAs we are in the midst of developing realistic action plans for various things in our roles as moms for the remainder of May, I though it would be appropriate to select a verse that is just for us – the moms. This verse ties in so well with yesterday’s post.

With the never-ending responsibilities we face, let’s remember that for those of us who are Christians, we are called to do these things as though we are doing them for Christ himself. It is so easy to get caught up in answering this kid’s question, taking that kid there, and making meals for our families that we often don’t get to eat ourselves as well as countless other things. But, remaining aware that we are ultimately called by God to raise children who love and serve Him, and that all the details of every day life are just wrapped up in that high calling help keep us moving forward when we feel depleted. This verse speaks to this perfectly.

Today’s verse:

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Everything we do for others whether our families, our friends, or those in our community, we are doing for Him.

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